(S)wags the word…This is a world where anyone can put in a word (more would be welcome, funny would be appreciated).

This weekend we finally managed to act on our long planned desire to go out of town to view the fall colors. I suspect the motivating factor was my husband’s new DSLR and his budding desire to become a landscape photographer. 🙂

The deciding factor came from the beautiful tree lined state highway leading to the CT Hindu temple. The trees are adorned with flaming reds, oranges, and yellows. I am surprised people can actually drive through that road without being distracted. I was!

So this weekend, we went hiking through the 1600 acre Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden. Of course we trekked only 3.2 miles and that was the shortest and the easiest route! Aditi was a great sport and actually had fun gathering loads of acorn to feed squirrels back home.

As the name goes, the top of the hills look like a giant sleeping. The legend goes that Sleeping Giant is the story of Hobbomock, a giant who contained the spirit of the souls of the dead. Once in his temper tantrums, he diverted the Connecticut river far east, causing some devastation.

Keihtan, the creator God cast a spell on the giant so that he would never awaken again. Soon the earth and trees covered the slumbering Hobbomock, peace returned, and all is well. 🙂

This is per the native Quinnipec Americans, who lived here before the Europeans decided to make it their home.
Anyways the trek was beautiful, as the park is maintained with minimum interference from humans. The trees were shimmering with colorful foliage. The entrance brings back memories of kodaikanal. A picture can say thousand words so I will let the pics tell the rest of the story.


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Comments on: "Weekend wasn’t a weak end!!!" (9)

  1. Supriya Ganiger said:

    Awesome Swagata…..both the narration n the pics………lovely…….

  2. Swagata Chowdhury said:

    Thanks Meghana & Jasmine!! I can feel ur cheer 🙂

  3. Jasmine Prashant Bhatt said:

    we need more of booker prize winner swagata shakespeare everyday!!!!!!!!!

  4. Meghana Bapat said:

    Oye I saw them in new window – they are Super!

  5. Swagata Chowdhury said:

    meghana, apart from the first pic (which was taken small) click on the other pics and it shd open in another window, if that doesnt work let me know i will forward u the link!

    Jasmine – Thanks dear! I do need all the blessings i can get but …coming from a childhood friend who is herself good in English, it means a lot!!!

  6. Meghana Bapat said:

    Nice pics! But you have shown mini pics – looks like you have resized them -can we see them in atleast 640 * 480 resolution.

  7. Jasmine Prashant Bhatt said:


  8. Maria Dominica said:

    Awesome pics ..and the pics tell tht u really wnjoed urself to the core:)

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